Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Exporting to Excel from Numbers without TOC

Apple has finally announced iWork 08 and it includes Numbers, their take on the traditional spreadsheet. I have downloaded the trial and had a play with it, and while it might not satisfy the scientific or academic community, it does mostly what I need.

One annoyance however is that when you export your Numbers spreadsheet to Excel it will include a table of contents explaining how your sheets and tables were converted worksheets. While this might be helpful, it's not likely to be appreciated in a business environment.

So here is how you get Numbers to not include the table of contents when you export to an excel spreadsheet:

Simply edit your file in ~/Library/Preferences to include an additional key called "EEDropTableOfContents" and set it to TRUE.

From Terminal you can simply type
defaults write EEDropTableOfContents
-bool TRUE

To edit it as an XML document you need to run
plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
then add an entry that looks like this:

Or if you use Property List Editor included with the developer tools it will look like this: